Ken Loach

The Life of Ken Loach - Saol Ken Loach

A Virtual Féile Event Ken Loach

About this Event

Interview by Clíodhna NicBhranair

Ken Loach discusses his life as a film-maker, his politics and how this has influenced his work and the challenges he has faced throughout his illustrious career

Pléifidh Ken Loach a shaol mar dhéantóir scannán, mar pholaiteoir agus an dóigh a raibh tionchar acu seo ar a shaothar agus ar na dúshláin a bhí aige fud fad a shlí beatha clúití.

09 August 2020, 08:00 PM

08:00 PM - 09:00 PM

About The Festival Contributors

Ken Loach

Ken Loach